Simple Tomato and herb salad


Today’s recipe is going to be a simple Tomato and herb salad.


As the summer approaches we start gravitating towards the summery stuff

I have to say in the salad domain cucumbers have always dominated my life!!

They are cooling and are a total treat when chilled on a hot summer day!!

I am not arguing the gloriousness of cucumbers here

What I want to bring to light is another vegetable which always seem to take an optional place in salads


Something just screamed lets go with all tomatoes today!

All i had was a bunch regular tomatoes and some cute little cherry tomatoes and some parsley! For me the idea is simple toss in chopped ingredients, play flavor with go to favs and than enjoy with bread!

minmal chopping minimal mess minimal time consumed and maximum flavours.

With thsi tomaot and herb salad i wanted to go bold and big with flavours. Nothing to hinder teh juicy tomatoes. No green chillies to ace it up.  or cucumbers or onions to pair. Just simple.gorgeous.tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil adn lemon,

If you dont knwo what i mean you have got to get the best qualtiy tomatoes at the peak of its season! The falvor is just goooorrrgeous!! They are robust and juicy and full of this bit tart flavor! I tell you summer is the perfect time to dig into these natural beauties!!



Tomatoes                         4-5

cherry tomatoes            4-5

parsley                            handfull chopped

lemonjuice                    1/2 tsp

olive oil                           1 tsp

a dash of salt


  1. Dice the tomatoes and parsley.
  2. squeeze the lemon juice adn olive oil
  3. Toss with a dash of salt.
  4. Sit back and enjoy!!

tomato salad 13

And how cute it is in this tin!! Just pop it in and you are good to go for a road trip or an outdoor snack!

Not only this Simple Tomato and Herb salad is super easy its also big no flavor!!! Have fun making it!!!

Have a gorgeous Wednesday!!









Peanut butter toast

This post is for tea lovers!

peanut butter toast 5peanut butter toast 6

I am obsessed with tea! My mornings are usually I am sitting here at my desk with a hot steamy cup of tea and a gorgeous toast with peanut butter and banana on the table with me! The temperature is mildly chilly the most amazing feeling when you have like just barely there cold and you take your cup of tea and wrap your fingers around it and than slowly take a sip and it hits at all the right places! Makes me smile both inside and outside!!

And than I reach out for my crunchy crispy toast slathered with peanut butter and topped with banana! It has been like good 15 minutes I made this and got sucked in to facebook! The flavors had the perfect chance to blend in and they did!!!!! the toast is still crunchy and the slathered part has almost melted sweet banana and a slightly salty peanut butter perfectly rhyming with it and balancing all the flavors!

peanut butter toast 9

My love for these toasts has grown tremendously over the past 6 months!

Why the past six months you say

For the longest time ever I have been hunting for a perfect pairing with my cup of tea! Which is healthy (I used to opt for biscuits) and low cal (a call from oat muffins)

This came as the answer to all my prayers!! First off I fell in love with this killer combo! This toast is my absolute favorite!!! my go to! I think I have consumed about three jars of peanut butter using solely to create this toast! (miind you it takes 1 tsp) !!! So probably 100s.

The second…

It takes mins to prepare!! As you can see no preparation at all! For a work day or for my own self I am not looking for wasting my time cooking!

After this tea and toast and a stroll around the web with my favorite bloggers! My mornings feel juuuust right and the world seems a better place!

peanut butter toast 8Although I always stick to the very basic version for me which is the peanut butter banana version. But I have often experimented with other toppings as well. Sometimes when I was looking for variation. Sometimes when I ran out of stuff. And at times when something just sounded right in my head 🙂

They all have same things in common. They are structured to satisfy the sweet tooth in me. There is a bit of fruit and some healthy carbs and a creaminess to gel it all together. You can also drizzle bit of honey on top to boost the sweetness or to intensify the flavor.

The craziest combo that I have experimented with is peanut on peanut combo!!!! Yup that can work too. I won’t say I have converted yet! It definitely steps into more varied taste zones. I won’t say I completely discard it. It just needs better pairing with another tea kind perhaps.

So lets talk about them..

Peanut butter strawberry:

This is a combo which works. Its one of those foolproof gorgeous snacks that you can satisfy your sweet tooth with at all times!

Peanut butter Peanut Toast:

Nutty is the first thing that popped in my head as I sank my teeth into it. Its totaaaaallly nutty!! Bordering savouriness. Esp coz I choose toasted salted peanuts. I felt it could use the help of trusted honey drizzle. I would blame my tea in this combo. It would go perfectly with a sweet apple tea or some other fruity tea. I usually go for plain black tea with milk (and shhhh..sugar ;D ). With that I usu need something tad bit more sweeter than my tea. So loved the combo but would definitely pair it with some other drink.

peanut butter toast 4

peanut butter toast 10

Peanut butter almond Toast:

This is another nut on nut experiment. I looooove almonds to the extent of biasness!! 😀 I looove them on almost anything. In stir fries salads you name it. if I am out of ideas for snacks I usually rely on a handful of almonds or cashew nuts. So in this version again not tooo salty not at all sweet. It was like a neutral flavor (if there is any such thing 😀 ) but with my slightly sweet black tea it worked beautifully!! Do try this one and let me know what you think!

Peanut butter banana:

My absolute go to my most favorite reliable breakfast of all times. I am sure we all know what we are talking about here! We all have our own reasons to love it! It just goes without saying your childhood sandwich combo can seep into your adult life as well!!

Do give them a shot and let me know what you think about them. Which one was your favorite. Which combos worked for you and which ones uuuuuuuummmm… not so much.

I seem to have this thing with toasts. Here is some more delish hassle free toast ideas to make your mornings (or evenings!) easier!!

Grilled Halloumi Sandwich 5

Grilled Halloumi sandwich


Red bean breakfast bruschetta


Ferraro Rocher brownies

ferraro rocher brownies 1 (2)ferraro rocher brownies 1

ferrarro rocher brownies 5ferraro rocher brownies 4

What do you do with leftover chocolates!!! how can you make chocolate better!! What could be better than chocolates!! Turn them into oyeeee goyeeeee brownies!!!

I had like about three boxes of chocolates around! and even I thought to myself this is a bit more than I would like to see consumed or spoilt in a few days. So I had to figure out to make a use of it!

My solution… Make a big batch of brownies and freeze some for those desperate cravings or for five minute gorgeous desserts orrrrrr to binge eat with a tub of vanilla ice cream!!!!

My absolute fav brownie recipe is surprisingly easy Is adapted from one of olllld Nigella Lawsons recipes. But is an absolute go to and a smacker evvvvverytime! And this time was no exception even if the ingredients were not as fancy as one would imagine!


Butter                                                    300 gms

white sugar                                           150 gms

brown sugar packed                           150 gms

cocoa powder                                        3/4 cups

eggs                                                          4

baking soda                                           1/2 tsp

flour                                                         2 cups

ferraro rocher chocolate chopped    1 cup


  1. In a sauce pan melt the butter. Add the sugars and let them all melt .
  2. Add cocoa powder and flour to it as well.
  3. Remove from heat and add the vanilla essence and eggs one at a time.
  4. Make sure the melted butter and sugars are not hot enough to turn it into scrambled eggs.
  5. In the end add the chocolate rubble and stir it all with a wooden spoon.
  6. Pour in a tin foil mould for easy removal and cleaning and bake in te oven for about 320 C.
  7. Let it cool. n enjoy.

It can last in the freezer for about three months.

The secret to most amazzing fudgy from the inside and cracking from the top brownies is in removing it out of the oven while the toothipck inserted comes out with abt three to four dots of the batter. That way the brownies are cooked through but not dried out!

Juuuust perfect!

Chex mix

Did I mention what a huge tea lover I am!!!! 

I drink on average 2 cups a day!

Not much you say…


There are some days where it goes waaaay more than this healhy level to over the top level than I would like to admit!

Lets not indulge in my tea drinking habits….

The point is every time I need to sit with a cup I love to pair it with something! Like a snack or something to mucnh on!!

And coz I do it so often it only makes sense that the snack of choice should be something healthy..

Now this is the tricky part…

A healthy snack WITH a hot cup of tea!!!


Omit alll the veggies fruits :O :O

You are basically left with baked goods like cakes and cupcakes and cookies.

Welll if you snack on those 5 times a day I don’t have words to describe the havoc!!! 😀 😀

So back to hmmmmmm healthy snacks to pair with tea or coffee ( I am a huuuuge coffee addict too)

I had a biiiiiiig portion of on sale cereals lined up…..


Trrrring goes the bell……

CHEX mix!!!!!!!


Here is what I did:



2 cups granola

2 cups wheat squares

2 cups

1 cup salted nuts

1/2 cup other nuts

1 packet pretzel sticks

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup peantu butter

1/2 cup brown sugar


    1. Dump all the ingredients in the slow cooker
    2. Let it stay there for about 3 hours.
    3. Fill up the jars and enjoy!!!


Now I have a jar full of healthy snack for those untimely uncalled for tea breaks!!!!!



Cheack out my favourite go to Chai Latte recipe as well!!!!

Happy Hump day!!!!