Home Decor: Memphis room Wishlist

Some might say I am rather toooooo adventurous!! ( my husband)

But hey! thats just me! And that is how I like it!

I am talking about the Memphis room makeover that I gave to my bedroom!

gorman room 16

I am still obsessed with this wall!!!

You can see the whole bedroom here 

So here I have put together some basics of going about the Memphis design!

2-27-2017 1-54-35 AM

  1. Basic sofa : Always start with a good basic sofa!! Not just coz its only used for memphis room but coz i is so versatile!
  2.  geometric cushion : With all the basics around accents are all that is left with to create all the drama and to have fun with!! so fun color block cushions are a great way to go or to start. I believe when it comes to cushions sky is the limit! Creativity is endless! More on that in some other
  3. Minimal white clock : Never underestimate the power of a minimal design! It can create the perfect contrast against a lets say loud background 😉 Which is exactly what works in a Memphis design!
  4.  Grid wallpaper : I have created the most humblest wall decor of all times with this Grid feature wall using solely washi tape! But you can opt for other options like this sweet wallpaper! How retro is that! I can only imagine how gorgeous it would look in a modern vanity or even a laundry room or foyer!! possibilities are endless!!
  5.  neon/colorblock accents : The second personal touch you can add is with vases! Neoooooon is something I crave and would definitely go for. A perfect blend of vases would be white and pop of colors!! either in a bunch or separate! Works like a charm
  6.  ikea grid bedding : I am a big fan of ikea and their bedding!! Its not too expensive! It lasts a couple of season and its black and white with pattern!! All these are a yes yes and yes in my list.
  7. stripes : I didn’t add stripes here in this collage but it goes without saying a Memphis room would add more spike with the addition of black and white stripes!!

How to make use of INSTASTORIES

When I first saw the insta stories emoticon on my insta feed I was like what on earth is that! Was bit reluctant on clicking through them! I was honestly clueless as to what they are and what am I supposed to do with them!

Once I plucked the courage to did click through I was like ummm… I was skeptical about the success of that feature. The things that really ticked me off were the rawness of the images! no filter!! no editing!!! I mean its like a home video what is up with that!!

But once I got into clicking!!! there was no turning back! I went on and on and on with it! jumping right off from one insta story to the other! Even looking forward to the stories that were coming every single day!

I have to admit I was wrong about them! And it took me a while to figure them out!! Here are some things that I have learnt about them and how you can use insta stories to relate to your readers as well!


Its story telling at its best!!!! We looooooove stories!! We are used to telling them through our well established and polised insta feeds and this time we are practicing with the unedited real ones!


While we are hard at work creating beautiful images and creating gorgeous feeds. Insta stories come as a relief!!!!! We don’t have to painstakingly style anything!!!!!!!! Really!! And we can still gain our followers love out of it!!!! Really! Really!!


Insta stories has REMOOOOOVED barriers!!! I mean I am making design decisions with Emily Henderson!!!!!!!


Its something very personal very fun and very creative!! All at the same time!!


I once saw the insta story of someone, while in my bed at night exhausted and just drifting to sleep! This insta story was of a person who went to a beaaaauuutiful place to hike. And she posted a short video of herself standing in the midst of the daisy field which were bolwing with wind and looking up at the mountain peeks where the rest of the hikers were!

And the experience was unbelieveble

It was as if I was transmitted to the daisy field

And was feeling the wind passing by!!!!!

It was that powerful

Moral of the story: Nature is very powerful and when you share it unfiltered through the lens of your camera it can be mesmerizing!

So never miss out on an opportunity to share nature with your readers!!


Some brands like ikea have used it like those power point slide shows to promote and to announce promotions! And there are different factors which make them work!! Like the creative use of cute emoticons! The font and styling!!

No matter how you use it! It is a very effective and powerful tool! And it does have the power to suck you in!!!!!!!!!!!

Verdict: I am going to treat my insta stories like my oolllld insta feed where I was shooting as I go! and having fun with it! I love that I dont hve to worry about glamourizing each adn every image. And I love that it is still powerful in that respect!

And the rest we all know our tastes and strategies change as we go, We are constantly figuring out what goes best for us. Its like we are tuned into getting to know where we have to go.

How are you dealing with your insta stories? What is your favourite part about them? Did they ring any bell with you or prefer your insta stroll more over them? Would love to know!!

Follow me on instagram if you arent already! 😉 @deeppurpleandblue and find out how I am using my insta stories!!

Take care!!!

Memphis Feature wall bedroom

Today’s post is more of a visual treat!

Means less talking more watching!!!!!!

If you know me you would want to know three things


pop of color,


This is what DEFINES my style

This is what DEFINES ME!!!

(well part of me) but whhhhole looooot of me!!

So you all know how I have converted my bedroom into a grid feature wall.

I have been loving and swarming in that geometrical heaven when I came across this post by Oh Happy Day!

This was my first ever taste of Memphis Design..

And than I translate my room into a Memphis decor!!

I had a very basic room in the accents of white. So all I had to do thanks to the feature wall add more stripes and layer it with some pop of colors. The wall facing my bed was turned into a canvas filled with geometrical bliss. And this is how it turned out!





Gorman room 8

I added a bit of contrast with the stripes on grid and added the accents in neon colors on a white canvas to make it all pop!

gorman room 11

gorman room 15

This feature wall has to be my favourite creation ever!!! I am seriously in love with it! I had a baallll!! creating it and every time I lay my eyes on it my heart skips a happy beat!

gorman room 16gorman room 17

gorman room 26gorman room 29

I used sideboards as an excuse to add the same elements_ stripes and a pop of color on a blank white canvas.

gorman room 30

I hope you enjoyed today’s post!! I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions and also would you dare to live in a Memphis room??? Or a duct tape decorated room?? I would love to hear what you have to say!!

Have a gorgeous day!!!

Simple Tomato and herb salad


Today’s recipe is going to be a simple Tomato and herb salad.


As the summer approaches we start gravitating towards the summery stuff

I have to say in the salad domain cucumbers have always dominated my life!!

They are cooling and are a total treat when chilled on a hot summer day!!

I am not arguing the gloriousness of cucumbers here

What I want to bring to light is another vegetable which always seem to take an optional place in salads


Something just screamed lets go with all tomatoes today!

All i had was a bunch regular tomatoes and some cute little cherry tomatoes and some parsley! For me the idea is simple toss in chopped ingredients, play flavor with go to favs and than enjoy with bread!

minmal chopping minimal mess minimal time consumed and maximum flavours.

With thsi tomaot and herb salad i wanted to go bold and big with flavours. Nothing to hinder teh juicy tomatoes. No green chillies to ace it up.  or cucumbers or onions to pair. Just simple.gorgeous.tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil adn lemon,

If you dont knwo what i mean you have got to get the best qualtiy tomatoes at the peak of its season! The falvor is just goooorrrgeous!! They are robust and juicy and full of this bit tart flavor! I tell you summer is the perfect time to dig into these natural beauties!!



Tomatoes                         4-5

cherry tomatoes            4-5

parsley                            handfull chopped

lemonjuice                    1/2 tsp

olive oil                           1 tsp

a dash of salt


  1. Dice the tomatoes and parsley.
  2. squeeze the lemon juice adn olive oil
  3. Toss with a dash of salt.
  4. Sit back and enjoy!!

tomato salad 13

And how cute it is in this tin!! Just pop it in and you are good to go for a road trip or an outdoor snack!

Not only this Simple Tomato and Herb salad is super easy its also big no flavor!!! Have fun making it!!!

Have a gorgeous Wednesday!!